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  1. Vyberite ponravivshuyusya gruppu tovarov/tip veshchi.

  2. Prosmotrite interesuyushchiy vas tovar: foto tovara s drugogo rakursa, sostav tkani, dostupnyye razmery i tsenu.

  3. Vyberite veshch', tsvet, razmer i dobav'te tovar v korzinu. Yesli vy zakonchili s vyborom tovarov, pereydite k oformleniyu zakaza.

  4. Pri oformlenii zakaza vy mozhete zaregistrirovat'sya, libo sovershit' pokupku, kak gost' sayta (v etom sluchaye registratsiya budet provedena avtomaticheski po ukazannomu Vami adresu elektronnoy pochty).

  5. Posle vvoda svoikh dannykh prover'te pravil'nost' i podtverdite.

  6. Zatem vyberite, kak vy khotite poluchit' oformlennyy zakaz: cherez kur'yera ili zabrat' samostoyatel'no v ukazannykh magazinakh.

  7. Yesli vybrali dostavku, ukazhite rayon ili gorod. Eto pole obyazatel'no k zapolneniyu, tak kak ot nego zavisit stoimost' uslug transportnoy kompanii. Ukazhite tochnyy pochtovyy adres Vashego mesto mestonakhozhdeniya.

  8. Prover'te pravil'nost' vvedennykh dannykh.

  9. Vyberite sposob oplaty. Ikh sostav mozhet var'irovat'sya v zavisimosti ot regiona i sposoba dostavki.

  10. Pri neobkhodimosti ostav'te kommentariy k zakazu v spetsial'no prednaznachennom dlya etogo pole.

  11. Pri nalichii u Vas promokoda, yego mozhno vvesti na lyubom etape oformleniya zakaza, nachinaya s korziny.

  12. Podtverdite zakaz.

  13. Posle podtverzhdeniya zakaza yeshche raz prover'te pravil'nost' oformlennogo zakaza i vybrannogo varianta dostavki.

  14. Nazhmite na knopku «Oformit' zakaz», i vy avtomaticheski pereydete na stranitsu onlayn oplaty. Nazhmite na knopku «Oplatit' zakaz» i vvedite neobkhodimyye dannyye. Kakim obrazom proizvesti oplatu podrobno opisano v razdele «Oplata».

  15. Posle oplaty s vami svyazhetsya komanda AGREEG dlya podtverzhdeniya zakaza.

  16. Posle otpravki zakaza vy poluchite uvedomleniye na elektronnuyu pochtu.

  17. Yesli u vas ostalis' voprosy, svyazhites' s nami po nomeru: +7-917-504-55-52, ili lyubym drugim udobnym sposobom.


Ещё 2 212 / 5 000 Результаты перевода
  1. Select the product group/type of item you like.

  2. View the product you are interested in: a photo of the product from a different angle, fabric composition, available sizes and price.

  3. Choose an item, color, size and add the item to your shopping cart. If you are done with the selection of products, proceed to checkout.

  4. When placing an order, you can register or make a purchase as a guest of the site (in this case, registration will be carried out automatically at the email address you specified).

  5. After entering your data, check the correctness and confirm.

  6. Then choose how you would like to receive your order: via courier or pick it up yourself at the indicated stores.

  7. If you chose delivery, please specify the region or city. This field is mandatory, as the cost of the services of the transport company depends on it. Enter the exact postal address of your location.

  8. Check that the data you entered is correct.

  9. Select a payment method. Their composition may vary depending on the region and delivery method.

  10. If necessary, leave a comment to the order in the field specially designed for this.

  11. If you have a promotional code, you can enter it at any stage of the checkout, starting from the basket.

  12. Confirm your order.

  13. After confirming the order, once again check if the order you placed and selected delivery option are correct.

  14. Click on the "Checkout" button, and you will automatically be redirected to the online payment page. Click on the "Pay for the order" button and enter the required data. How to make a payment is described in detail in the section "Payment".

  15. After payment, AGREEGteam will contact you to confirm the order.

  16. You will receive an email notification after your order has been submitted.

  17. If you have any questions, please contact us at +7-917-504-55-52, or in any other convenient way.

Thank you!


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